Sustainable farming

The Agriculture Research Group On Sustainability (ARGOS) seeks to secure market access for New Zealand’s food and fibre exports. A large part of the work has been concerned with the design of sustainability KPIs and eco-verification of eco-labels (eg. Organic and ‘Integrated Management’ market QA schemes).

ARGOS was led by Jon Manhire and supported by his colleagues in The Agribusiness Group. Economic and social research is contributed by Lincoln University’s Agribusiness & Economic Research Unit, and social and environmental dimensions of sustainability are researched by staff and students at University of Otago’s Centre for Sustainability: Agriculture, Food Energy & Environment. Henrik Moller designed and led the environmental research objective of ARGOS from 2003 until 2010, when it was taken over by Dr Catriona MacLeod from Manaaki Whenua - Landcare research.

ARGOS was at first a stand-alone project (2003-2012), but now continues as an umbrella structure and research coalition to support more specific projects like the Sustainability dashboard and the Climate Smart agriculture project.

  • Cows grazing.
  • Riparian.
  • Cows grazing.
  • A flock of Sheep.

Primary Funder:
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Zespri International, Fonterra, Canterbury Meat Packers, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, New Zealand Wine, Merino New Zealand Inc., Certified Organic Kiwifruit Growers Association, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry Sustainable Farming Fund, Organics Aotearoa New Zealand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Lead contractor:
The Agribusiness Group, Christchurch

Contact for reference:
Jon Manhire

Next project: Good bird poo »

Ecosystems Consultants.